Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Source code to protect from SQL Injection with Classic ASP

'Function to sql injection by url inputs

Function Injection (strValue)
IF strValue <> "" Then
If ( Instr(strValue,"union") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"where") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"insert") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"delete") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"Truncate") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"update") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"like") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"drop") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"create") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"modify") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"rename") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"alter") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"cast") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"href") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,"a href") > 0 OR Instr(strValue,";") > 0) Then
End If
End IF
End Function

'End sql injection Function

'call Function to sql injection by url inputs

Injection Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")

Best Way to protect our site from SQL injection call SQL Injection function in Global file/Global.asa/connection file.

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