Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Sql Server Query

How to select Duplicate Rows from a table
select email,count(*) from finaldatabase_Amit group by email having count(*)>1

Insert rows/records from one table to another table
insert into tbl_logo_Info_event (ImageURL_link,ImageURL_Show, Image_Name,Image_Title, Image_Profile) select ImageURL_link,ImageURL_Show,Image_Name,Image_Title,Image_Profile from tbl_logo_Info where ImageID='16'

Select two random rows from SQL server database table
Select top 2 * from tbl_news order by newid()

Select desired rows from table by IN Keyword
select * from tbl_logo_Info where ImageID IN(4,6,10) order by image_Title asc

Searching in a column of any table by a substring
Example : Searching 'Independence day' text in column name leave_desc for 'epen' substring.
SELECT leave_desc FROM tbl_calendar WHERE substring(leave_desc, 4, 4) = 'epen'

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